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Jahr 2024

Statement of the GASCA Board on Academic Freedom in Germany accessible

In February 2024, the  board of the German Association of Social and Cultural Anthropology  (GASCA) has published a Statement on Academic Freedom in Germany. The  full statement can be found on the GASCA website:   

Neue wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Seminar für Ethnologie

Das Seminar für Ethnologie begrüßt Dr. Edda Willamowski, die am 01. Februar 2024 ihre Stelle als wissenschaftliche Postdoc-Mitarbeiterin im Arbeitsbereich von Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser angetreten hat. Ein herzliches Willkommen an unserem Institut!

Olaf Zenker's lecture on Anton Wilhelm Amo at the University of Halle

As part of the lecture series "Erinnerung in Komplexität. Weltgedächtnis  und Solidarität“ ("Memory in Complexity. World Consciousness/Memory and  Solidarity“), Professor Olaf Zenker recently gave a German-medium  lecture on Anton Wilhelm Amo at the University of Halle, entitled  "Vergessen, Erinnern, Erweitern: Anton Wilhelm Amo an der Universität  Halle“. Watch the recording here   .

Meinungsaustausch zur Wissenschaftsfreiheit am SfE am 03.04.2024

22.03.2024: Im Nachgang der Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (DGSKA) zur Wissenschaftsfreiheit möchte das Seminar für Ethnologie Interessierte herzlich einladen zu einem Meinungsaustausch zum Thema „Anthropologie zwischen Verantwortung und Dezentrierung: Public Anthropology im Kontext multipler Krisen“.

Treffpunkt: Mittwoch, 03.04.2024, 18.00 bis 19.30 Uhr im Seminarraum des SfE

New Special Issue on "Collaborations and Contestations in Publicly Engaged Anthropologies"

The special issue "Collaborations and Contestations in Publicly Engaged  Anthropologies", edited by our professors Olaf Zenker and Asta Vonderau, has just been published in the journal Public Anthropologist. In addition to the editors’ open-access introductory contribution, it brings together a total of 7 articles (including one by Anna-Lena Wolf) that deal with the potentials and pitfalls of collaborative research in the context of publicly engaged anthropology in a variety of ways using  diverse case studies. This special issue is based on the eponymous  conference, which was held in Halle in January 2022 as the kick-off event of the DFG network "Public Anthropology"    and brings together representatives of both German anthropologies - social and cultural anthropology and European ethnology. Click here    for the special issue.

Christiane Schürkmann’s talk: “Undergrounds of Disposal: Sociogeological Processes in Nuclear Waste Management”.

Dear colleagues,

we hereby we invite you to the upcoming ETROD session on Thursday 22nd February 2024, 4:00 pm sharp, CET.

We are looking forward to Christiane Schürkmann’s talk: Undergrounds of Disposal: Sociogeological Processes in Nuclear Waste Management.

Abstract:Referring  to the case of nuclear waste management the presentation asks how  societies relate to their undergrounds in order to develop permanent  repositories to store their produced toxic objects. In this way,  undergrounds are addressed as ‘bedrocks of hope’ by scientists,  politicians, and the public with regard to their potential of isolating  radionuclides in the long run. Based on a perspective located at the  interface between Environmental Sociology and Science and Technology  Studies the presentation suggests to investigate sociogeological  relations in the context of such long-term projects in their  processuality.

About the speaker:Christiane  Schürkmann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology  at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Since 2023 she is  also head of the DFG-funded project Undergrounds of Disposal / Untergründe der Entsorgung.

To prepare the discussion please find a recent paper by Christiane here    and attached.

In the session an input by Christiane will be followed by a moderated discussion between you and Christiane.

To join us online, please use the following link:   Meeting-ID: 650 2098 8539Kenncode: 639066

We are looking forward to the discussion!

Jahr 2023

Olaf Zenker's Fellow Lecture at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity & Pluralism” on Land Restitution in South Africa

As part of his fellowship at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Legal Unity & Pluralism” at the University of Münster (WWU), Professor Olaf Zenker recently gave a lecture on current debates and political dynamics around land restitution, expropriation without compensation and the quest for redistributive justice in South Africa. Here's the recording   .

Invitation to the inaugural lecture

Am Mittwoch, den 15. November 2023, 18:00 Uhr hält Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser ihre Antrittsvorlesung zum Thema:

"Affekte und Im-/Mobilität: Eine spannungsvolle Relation aus psychologisch-anthropologischer Perspektive"

Ort: Hallischer Saal, "Tulpe", Universitätring 5.

Alle Studierende der Ethnologie sowie Kolleginnen und Kollegen sind herzlich eingeladen.

Semesterauftakt am Seminar für Ethnologie

To kick off the winter semester, the Department of Social Anthropology cordially invites all new and old students to two events on Thursday, 11 October: First, the departmental group will organise a get-together with coffee and cake between 3pm and 5pm. At 8pm the institute will celebrate the start of the new semester.

Our Institute participates in the new Max Planck Research School "Global Multiplicity. A Social Anthropology for the Now"

The Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, together with the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the University of Leipzig and the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, is founding the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "Global Multiplicity. A Social Anthropology for the Now". The IMPRS was inaugurated on 17 July in a ceremony attended by the Saxony-Anhalt Minister of Science, Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann. It will initially run for six years and  accommodate up to 40 doctoral students, making it one of the largest graduate schools in Social Anthropology in Europe. The spokesperson of the IMPRS is Prof. Dr. Ursula Rao, Managing Director of the MPI and honorary professor at MLU and the University of Leipzig. Prof. Dr. Asta Vonderau, Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser and Prof. Dr. Olaf Zenker from our Institute as well as the legal scholar Prof. Dr. Dirk Hanschel are participating on behalf of the MLU.

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New collegue: Max Müller

Mobile Worlds“ (SFB 1171) with two scientific  subprojects under the co-leadership of Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser. In the  sub-project D03 "Mobilizing Carescapes", she and colleagues from  sociocultural anthropology and the psy-disciplines  are investigating the  affective dynamics of multiple crises in  psychosocial health care in  transnational spaces of Vietnam and  Germany. In a second sub-project on  "Project Biographies:  Affective Archives", she and colleagues from media  and communication  studies and theatre studies are dedicated to  collaborative forms of  knowledge transfer and public outreach.   

ETROD: Kali Rubaii on "War is a Toxic Relationship: Finding of US Empire in Iraq”

ETROD hereby invites you to the upcoming ETROD (Extractivism and  Transition Research Online Dialogues) session. On Thursday, the 22th of June  2023 from 4-5.30 pm (Central European Time) ETROD welcomes Kali Rubaii (Purdue University). Kali will share his research will discuss two figures of toxic exposure receiving popular attention since the US invasion and military occupation: burn pits and birth defects. To join the session, please use the following Zoom link    (Meeting ID: 612 3787 5002, Password: 984654).

If you have any troubles accessing the texts or further questions  regarding the session or the ETROD series, please contact Janine Hauer ().

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