Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Master programmes

The bilingual Master's programme Ethnologie / Social & Cultural Anthropology focuses on current theories and debates in anthropology, the history of anthropology, and transdisciplinary subjects. We offer a two-subject Master's programme (45 or 75 ECTS) and a single-subject Master's programme (120 ECTS). In the research-oriented single-subject Master's programme, students conduct independent fieldwork in their own project.

Social and Cultural Anthropology in Halle offers:

Flyer MA-Studium Ethnologie MLU.pdf (439 KB)  vom 15.02.2023

Dokumente und Bescheinigungen

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung MA 45 75.pdf (134.3 KB)  vom 15.02.2023

Studien- und Prüfungsordnung MA120.pdf (135.3 KB)  vom 15.02.2023

Modulhandbuch MA 45 75.pdf (134.1 KB)  vom 15.02.2023

Module Manual MA 45-75 ENG.pdf (1 MB)  vom 07.06.2023

Modulhandbuch MA120.pdf (144 KB)  vom 15.02.2023

Module Manual MA 120 ENG.pdf (1.2 MB)  vom 07.06.2023
