Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Luisa Piart


Dr. Luisa Piart

phone: +49 345 55 24 189

room 302
Reichardtstraße 11
06116 Halle

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Luisa Piart

Luisa Piart is a postdoctoral research fellow with a joint appointment at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Department ‚Law & Anthropology‘) and at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Her scientific interests are in the fields of economic and legal anthropology, and include industrial labour relations and workers’ rights, the study of global markets, infrastructures, and international organizations. Before relocating to Halle, she received different grants and held positions in research institutions and universities in Turkey (IFEA Istanbul), Uzbekistan (IFEAC Tashkent), and across Europe, including in Germany (Leipzig and Berlin), Austria (Vienna), and Switzerland (Bern and Fribourg). After graduating with degrees in history and geography from Paris (Sorbonne) and in migration studies from Poitiers (Migrinter – CNRS), she earned a binational PhD (cotutelle de thèse) in social anthropology from the University of Vienna and the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS Paris).

Luisa Piart’s dissertation investigated the role of small entrepreneurs and their fluctuating importance in Istanbul’s garment industry. She explored the organization of the industry, as well as the careers, commercial practices, and entrepreneurial success of intermediaries in a context of deep economic restructuring. Her current research project focuses on seafarers, the global shipping industry, and the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (2006). In 2019, she was a visiting fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics, during which time she laid the groundwork for her new project.

Research Interests

The politics and laws of justice, global markets (clothing and shipping  industries), labour governance, (maritime) infrastructures, the  anthropology of international organizations, moral anthropology,  ethnographic theory

Research Areas

Europe, Central America, Turkey, Central Asia
