Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Burkhard Schnepel

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Burkhard Schnepel - Publications


Five Approaches to the Theory of Divine Kingship and the Kingship of the Shilluk of the Southern Sudan. (D. Phil. thesis) Oxford: Bodleian Library.

Twinned Beings: Kings and Effigies in Southern Sudan, East India and Renaissance France. Gothenburg: Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology.

Die Dschungelkönige: Ethnohistorische Aspekte von Politik und Ritual in Südorissa/Indien. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

The Jungle Kings: Ethnohistorical Aspects of Politics and Ritual in Orissa. Delhi: Manohar.

Tanzen für Kali: Ethnographie eines ostindischen Ritualtheaters. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.

Edited Volumes

Jagannath Revisited: Society, Religion and the State in Orissa (with H. Kulke).
Delhi: Manohar Publishers.

Hundert Jahre Die Traumdeutung: Träume im Kulturvergleich. Köln: Köppe Verlag.

When Darkness Comes: Steps toward an Anthropology of the Night (with E. Ben-Ari). In Paideuma 51: 153-265.

The Making and Unmaking of Differences: Anthropological, Sociological and Philosophical Perspectives. Münster: Transcript Verlag. (with R. Rottenburg and S. Shimada)

Multiple Identities in Action: Mauritius and the Antillean Parallelism. Berlin: Peter Lang. (with R. Ludwig).

Handlung und Leidenschaft. Jenseits von action und passio. Berlin: Paragrana. (with K.-P. Köpping and C. Wulf)

Orient - Orientalistik – Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualität einer Debatte. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag (with Gunnar Brands and Hanne Schönig)

Kultur all inclusive.
Identität, Tradition und Kulturerbe im Zeitalter des Massentourismus. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. (with Felix Girke and Eva-Maria Knoll)

Connectivity in Motion. Island Hubs in the Indian Ocean World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (with Edward A. Alpers)


Max Weber’s Theory of Charisma and its Applicability in Anthropological Research. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, vol. XVIII, no.1: 26-48.

In Quest of Life: Hocart’s Scheme of Evolution from Ritual Organization to Government. Archives Européennes de Sociologie, vol. XXIX, no. 1: 165-187.

Shilluk Royal Ceremonies of Death and Installation. Anthropos, vol. 83: 433-452.

Shilluk Kingship: Power Struggles and the Question of Succession. Anthropos, vol. 85: 105-123.

Corporations, Personhood, and Ritual in Tribal Society. Three Interconnected Topics in the Anthropology of Meyer Fortes. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, vol. XXI, no. 1: 1-31.

Continuity Despite and Through Death: Regicide and Royal Shrines among the Shilluk of Southern Sudan. Africa, vol. 61, no.1: 40-70.

The Nandapur Suryavamshis: Origin and Consolidation of a South Orissan Kingdom.
Orissa Historical Research Journal, vol. 38. 170-199.

Der König und seine Göttin: Ritual und Politik in Südorissa, Indien. Mitteilungen der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, vol. 61: 3-13.

Die Schutzgöttinnen: Tribale Gottheiten in Südorissa (Indien) und ihre Patronage durch hinduistische Kleinkönige. Anthropos 88: 337-350.

Goddesses, Kings, and Tribals: Remarks on the Ritual Policy of a South Orissan Jungle Kingdom. Man in Society, vol. 8: 19-36.

Little Kingdoms Reconsidered. Occasional Papers, vol. 5. Bhubaneswar: Utkal University, Department of Anthropology.

Durga and the King: Ethnohistorical Aspects in the Politico-Ritual Life of a South Orissan Jungle Kingdom. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, (Man) vol. 1: 145-166.

The Hindu King’s Authority Reconsidered: Durga-Puja and Dasara in a South Orissan Jungle Kingdom. In Political Rituals, by A. Boholm (ed.). Gothenburg: Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, pp. 126-157.

E.E. Evans-Pritchard.
In Klassiker der Religionswissenschaft, by A. Michaels (ed.). München: C. H. Beck, pp. 303-323.

Der Raub der Göttin: Rituelle Inszenierungen von Macht und Autorität in Orissa. In Ethnologie und Inszenierung: Ansätze zur Theaterethnologie, by M. Münzel and B. Schmidt (eds.). Marburg: Curupira, pp. 459-488.

How to Chase a Rainbow, or: Steps Toward a Typology of the Fool. In Games of Gods and Man: Essays in Ritual Performance, by K.-P. Köpping (ed.).
Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 56-78.

Ethnologie und Geschichte: Stationen der Standortbestimmung aus der britischen „Social Anthropology“. Historische Anthropologie, vol. 7: 110-128.

Der Körper im ‚Tanz der Strafe’ in Orissa. In Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz, by K.-P. Köpping and U. Rao (eds.). Münster: Lit Verlag, pp. 141-156.

2000b Die Umkehrung des Blicks: Zur Akkommodierung von ‚Inauthentischem‘ in festlichen Inszenierungen in Japan und Indien. (with K.-P. Köpping.) In Die Inszenierung von Authentizität, by E. Fischer-Lichte and I. Pflug (eds.). Tübingen: Francke Verlag, pp. 275-297.

Introduction. In Schnepel (ed.) 2001a: 1-24. (with H. Kulke)

Kings and Rebel Kings: Rituals of Incorporation and Dissent in South Orissa. In Schnepel (ed.) 2001a: 271-295.

Blurred Genres: The Internal Dynamics of the ‘Dance of Punishment’ in Orissa. In Adivasi 39: 12-34.

Ethnologische Betrachtungen zur Wahrnehmung und Wahrmachung von Träumen. In Wahrnehmung und Medialität, by E. Fischer-Lichte, C. Horn, S. Umathum and M. Warstatt (eds.). Tübingen: Francke Verlag, pp. 233-253.

Einleitung: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der Traumforschung. In Schnepel (ed.) 2001b, pp. 7-30.

Die Politik der Träume: Somnambule Wege zur Macht in Ostindien. In Schnepel (ed.) 2001b, pp. 198-216.

Narren: Versuch einer Typologie. In Geist, Bild, Narr. Zu einer Ethnologie kultureller Konversionen, by H. Behrend (ed.). Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 97-118.

The Story of the Fowler: Popular Hinduism in Orissa.
In Adivasi 40: 12-25.

Anekdoten über Anekdoten. In Performativität und Ereignis, by E. Fischer-Lichte (ed.). Tübingen: Francke Verlag, pp. 149-162.

Königsmord. In Ritualität und Grenze, by E. Fischer-Lichte et al (eds.). Tübingen: Francke Verlag, pp. 177-191.

Die Staubstrafe: Ein ostindisches Sühneritual. In Ritual, by Zirfas and Wulf (eds.). Paragrana 12: 133-157.

Inder in der Fremde. In Großmacht Indien, by R.P. Das (ed.) Halle: Orientwissen-schaftliche Hefte 1/2004, pp. 119-145.

History of the Model. In Sharing Sovereignty. The Little Kingdom in South Asia, by G. Berkemer and M. Frenz (eds.). Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, pp. 11-20. (with G. Berkemer)

The Stolen Goddess. Ritual Enactments of Power and Authority in Orissa. In Sharing Sovereignty: The Little Kingdom in South Asia, by G. Berkemer & M. Frenz (eds.). Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, pp. 165-180.

2004d Facing the Trial by Fire Every Day: Text and Performative Context in South Orissa. In Text and Context in the History, Literature and Religion of Orissa, by A. Malinar, J. Beltz and H. Freese (eds.). Dehli: Manohar, pp. 239-272.

2005a Kings and Tribes in East India, In The Character of Kingship, by D. Quigley (ed.). Oxford: Berghahn Publishers, pp. 187-208.

2005b The ‘Dance of Punishment’: Transgression and Punishment in an East Indian Ritual. In Celebrating Transgression: Method and Politics in the Anthropological Study of Culture, by U. Rao and J. Huthnyk (eds.). Oxford: Berg Publications, pp. 115-127

Introduction. ‘When Darkness Comes’: Steps towards an Anthropology of the Night. In Schnepel (ed.) 2005: 153-164 (with E. Ben-Ari).

“In Sleep a King…”: The Politics of Dreaming in a Cross-cultural Perspective.
In Schnepel (ed.) 2005: 209-222.

Inder auf Reisen. In Bewegliche Horizonte: Festschrift für Bernhard Streck, by K. Lange and K. Geisenhainer (eds). Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 165-184.

Bilder vom Séga: Inszenierungen von Authentizität auf Mauritius. In Performance im medialen Wandel, by P.M. Meyer (ed.). München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp. 463-497.
(with Cornelia Schnepel)

2006b Strangers in the Night: The Making and Unmaking of Differences from a Perspective of the Anthropology of the Night. In Schnepel (ed. 2006). Münster: Transcipt Verlag, pp. 123-144.

Jagannath: Eine ostindische Gottheit im Spannungsfeld politischer Machtkämpfe, In Kulturelle VerWandlungen: Die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz, by U. Rao (ed.). Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 239-262.

Die “autonome Person“ im Kulturvergleich. In Menschformung in religiösen Kontexten, by M. Hettling und M. Müller (eds.). Göttingen: V & R. Unipress, pp 161-177.

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Die Globalisierung des Strandes. Das Beispiel Mauritus. In Zwischen Aneignung und Verfremdung. Ethnologische Gratwanderungen, by Gottowik, Volker, Jebens, Holger und Editha Platte (eds.) 2008: 489-509 (with Cornelia Schnepel).

Some Ideas on Communication, Culture and Society in Mauritius: Multiple Identities in Action. In
Multiple Identities in Action: Mauritius and Some Antillean Parallelisms, by V.Y. Hookoomsing, R. Ludwig and B. Schnepel (eds.). Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 9- 15 (with R. Ludwig).

The Mauritian Séga: Performing Identity in a Multi-cultural Setting. In
Multiple Identities in Action: Mauritius and Some Antillean Parallelisms, by V.Y Hookoomsing, R. Ludwig and B. Schnepel (eds.). Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 275-286 (with Cornelia Schnepel)

Two Beaches: The Globalization of Mauritian Waterfronts. In
Multiple Identities in Action: Mauritius and Some Antillean Parallelism, by V.Y. Hookoomsing, R. Ludwig and B. Schnepel (eds.). Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 287-317.

Zur Dialektik von agency und patiency. In Handlung und Leidenschaft. Jenseits von actio und passio, by K.-P. Köpping, B. Schnepel and C. Wulf (eds.). Berlin: Paragrana, pp. 15-22.

Die drei Körper des Königs. In Herrscherkult und Heilserwartung, by Jan Assmann and Harald Strohm (eds.) München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, pp.177-197.

Neu-Orient-ierungen. In Orient - Orientalistik – Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualität einer Debatte, by Burkhard Schnepel, Gunnar Brands and Hanne Schönig (eds.). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 7-14 (with Gunnar Brands and Hanne Schönig).

Verschlungene Wege in den Orient und zurück: Ein Prolog. In Orient - Orientalistik – Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualität einer Debatte, by Burkhard Schnepel, Gunnar Brands and Hanne Schönig (eds.). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 15-28.

Tourismus. In Lexikon der Globalisierung, by Fernand Kreff, Eva-Maria Knoll, Andre Gingrich (eds.). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 377-380.

From Slave to Touris Entertainer. Performative Negotiations of Identity and Difference in Mauritius. In Islanded Identities. Constructions of Postcolonial Cultural Insularity, by Maeve McCuscer and Anthony Soares (eds.); Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 119-138 (with Cornelia Schnepel).

Tanzen bis zum Umfallen. Schuld und Sühne in einem ostindischen Ritualtheater. In Enhancement oder die Verbesserung des Menschen: Die zweite Evolution?, by O. Bender, S. Kanitscheider and A.J. Treml, A. K. (eds.). Norderstedt: BoD, pp. 107-126.

Danda Nata. In Kulke, Hermann (ed.), Imaging Odisha, vol. 2. New Delhi: Prafulla, pp. 155-158.

Kulturerbe im Zeitalter des Massentourismus. Eine programmatische Einführung. In Kultur all inclusive. Identität, Tradition und Kulturerbe im Zeitalter des Massentourismus, by Burkhard Schnepel, Felix Girke und Eva-Maria Knoll (eds.). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 21-44.

Zur Stofflichkeit religiöser Erfahrungen. „Idolatrie“ in Ostindien. In Orakel und Offenbarung. Formen göttlicher Willensbekundung, by Jan Assman and Harald Strohm (eds.). München: Wilhelm Fink, pp. 77-98.

Contact Zone. Ethnohistorical Notes on the Relationship between Kings and Tribes in Middle India. In Asian Ethnology 73: 234-257.

Piracy in the Indian Ocean (ca. 1680-1750). In Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 160: 1-26. Halle: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.

The Little Kingdom in South Asia: History of the Model - with Georg Berkemer. In Interrogation Political Systems. Integrative Processes and States in Pre-Modern India, by Bhairabi Prasad Sahu and Hermann Kulke, New Delhi: Manohar, 123-137.

Gedanken zu einer Geschichte der Nacht. In Dekonstruieren und doch erzählen. Polnische und andere Geschichten. by Jürgen Heyde, Karsten Holstke, Dietlind Hüchtker, Yvonne Kleinmann und Katrin Steffen (eds.). Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 209-216.

The Making of a Hub Society: Mauritius' Path from Port of Call to Cyber Island. In Connectivity in Motion. Island Hubs in the Indian Ocean World. by Burkhard Schnepel and Edward A. Alpers (eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 231-257.


Recent Research in the Southern Sudan. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, vol. XIV, no. 3: 337-341.

Review of Kingship and Sacrifice, by V. Valeri.
JASO, vol. XVII, no. 2: 169-170.

Review of Essays on Individualism, by L. Dumont. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, vol. XVIII, no. 3: 289-292.

Review of How Natives Think, by L. Lévy-Bruhl. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, vol. XIX, no. 1: 77-79.

Review of Die Zeit geht krumme Wege. Raum, Zeit und Ritual bei den Tugen in Kenia, by H. Behrend. Anthropos, vol. 84: 577-579.

Review of The Listening Ebony: Moral Knowledge, Religion, and Power among the Uduk of Sudan, by W. James. Anthropos, vol. 84: 614-616.

Review of Tribal Thought and Culture: Essays in Honour of Shri Surajit Chandra Sinha, by B. Saraswati (ed.). In: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, vol. XXXVII: 80-82.

Review of Little Kingdoms in Kalinga.
Ideologie, Legitimation und Politik regionaler Eliten, by G. Berkemer. In: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, vol. XXXIX.

In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (4. Auflage, Bd.2: Eintrag 4834). Tübingen: Verlag Mohr Siebeck.

James G. Frazer - The Golden Bough.
In Hauptwerke der Ethnologie, by C. Feest und K.H. Kohl (eds.). Stuttgart: Kröner Verlag, pp. 113-118.

Der gestohlene König. Politik, Ritual und kulturelles Gedächtnis in Ostindien. In Scientia Halensis 4: 5-6.

Review of Dream Travellers, by Roger I. Lohmann (ed.), New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2003). In Paideuma 51: 300-305.

Die Zeit nach den Zeitzeugen. Holocaustforschung in Halle und Beersheeba. In Scientia Halensis 1/09: 28-29. (with J. Feldman und A. Peleikis)

Internet Presentations

Ethnologische Marginalien. Antrittsvorlesung
Antrittsvorlesung_Burkhard_Schnepel.pdf (1.9 MB)  vom 18.12.2008

Bilder vom Séga. Inszenierungen von Authentizität auf Mauritius
Bilder_vom_Séga.pdf (216.8 KB)  vom 18.12.2008

Strangers in the Night: The Making and Unmaking of Differences from the Perspective of an Anthropology of the Night
Strangersinthenight.pdf (201 KB)  vom 05.04.2007
